Monday, February 6, 2012

Never give up on your dreams, Because your dreams could become reality :)

Back in July i started really getting into photography. Actually wanted to make something out of my self and my pictures. After 7 months of  learning, and few different cameras, I have actually come a long way from where i started but still have a non stop learning of this kind of work. Back when i started this i had people tell me my work was no good, no one would buy it, none of my pictures would catch anyone's attention. Well i proved them people wrong. My real motivation through all the hard work and learning this type of business was actually replaying that image in my head of them people that said i wouldn't get no where. And yes that was the BEST motivation for me. let me also remind people there is ALWAYS gonna be someone that has better work in photography, but that does not mean your work means nothing. Everyone has different opinion on how they like their pictures taken, edited, or retouched. Some people don't like editing at all. So as you see NO ONE is perfect! Also if your in photography before giving up try learning. There was many of times and still is where i say to my self(dang their pictures are way better than mine i will never be that good) and you know what i have learned instead of sitting there doubting myself as much as i did i started believing in myself. if you want to learn something you have to ask, research, try many attempts of it before you succeed, because this is not a easy job just to jump into. There is a lot of hard work in this type of business, but remember hard work and wanting to keep learning and researching will always pay of in there end.

~Never give up on your dreams, Because your dreams could become reality :)

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