Saturday, January 28, 2012

Well first off i want to thank all my friends, family, and clients for believing in me. I have actually found something i enjoy, never get bored with, which is photography.I must say its not easy as many people think it is to capture such a memory for someone or something. In this journey of photography there has been so much i have learned in the meaning of a photographer. A photographer is more than just a person who takes pictures. Photographers Capture moments of life we can never get back even close friends and family members we once enjoyed this life with that are no longer with us. Now when i take pictures i don't just see it has an image i see it as a photo with some type of story, whether its a sad or unforgettable photograph. Also being in this business i have learned you never get to know too much about photography and you never stop learning. Sometimes i look back and i remember when i thought pictures where just a picture, well now i see photographs are so important whether its just keeping pictures of your children so you can remember when they were such a young age, When you first said i do to your husband/wife on your wedding day, and or when your child graduates, and start building a family and life of their own. For example when i take a picture of a couple i see love, happiness, soul mates, when i take pictures of children i think about how they are gonna get older and look the photographs and past them down to their family one day, or when i photograph a birth of a baby i think of it as having a constant remind of the day that bundle of joy from god was born to a family that couldn't wait to welcome their child into this world.So as you see this is not just a hobby i have its also a passion and a way to look at life different and in a meaningful way.

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