Wednesday, February 8, 2012

Not business/professional like....

ok, i must say it is very unprofessional like and unbusiness like to constantly nag or post subjects that should be private. Like for example : i am better than this or that photography, i hate how my customers........., or for instant using bad language on a site that's made just for BUSINESS. No one cares to see such negative things especially when they are or want to be a client of yours. Come on, its like any other business, could you image going to     wall mart, Kmart, or just a convent store and every time you are there all they do is talk about THEIR problems, or bashing some other company over something that most people would care less about. i mean really when you are trying to sell a product or gain respect  its not good to do such things. And yes some of you may say well the other business started the issue, well you know what we are all grown no matter who started doesn't mean you have to react. Also if a customer lets you down don't broadcast it all over the internet that's not your other clients concern its yours and that client you have an issues with!! So before you get all worked up and start posting to all your social sites such as Facebook just stop and think of how your clients see YOU!! I will admit a while back when i started my business i had a childish feud on my Facebook page, and yes i was polite in the post and truthful but i had to learn the hard way after that feud you do not broadcast your life on these site. And how i learned was one day i was doing my 2ND photo shoot for someone whom remains nameless and as we are having a good time taking pictures and laughing this person pulled me to the side and said "hey what was up with that big issue on your page? did you get it fixed? do y'all get along" i tell you what i felt so bad after that person mentioned that. At the time i felt so unprofessional because i let a client see me in such a wrong way to represent who i am, and from that day forward i know from now on i have to watch what i put of my page, and yes EVEN my personal page!! So as an advice to all you business people on these social networks be careful as to what you broadcast, and the ones that are sitting there thinking what i have said is so wrong, will not have the respect they really want in their business. Its one thing about being real with your clients and another when its just drama coming into your business!

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